we are moving -- to a better location around the corner, probably during the first week in June. It's not easy to move everything, but that is what we are planning to do. The new location is the
corner store across from Davio's Restaurant, and kitty-corner to Bar Louie's. It's not far from our current location, less than 100 yards, but it is brighter, less windy, and will generate more visitors because of its central location. It will also be easier to find and easier for the Guest Artists to unload because the cut-through street, between Bar Louie's and Davio's, is now aside of the new gallery.
We don't have much time, so some of the anchor artists (Jack Gannon, Laura Zanghetti, and Polo Barrera, pictured above) already started painting the new gallery during the Memorial Day weekend. And stay tuned for when we will announce our new
Grand Opening! It has been more than THREE years in the "old" gallery at Patriot Place. We don't know how long we will have the "new" gallery, but we hope to make it better than ever for the local artists and for all the Patriot Place visitors.
Meanwhile, during the last weekend in May, Laura Zanghetti's class of accomplished artists will be exhibiting,along with Guest Artist Katherine Honey. If you get a chance, drop by and view their terrific work. And maybe see the new "unfinished" space as well.